A Tribute To Mothers:[Happy Mothers Day!]

View on youtube https://youtu.be/GQ4TPn8hjxI or View here : http://ayearoffhe.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/it-was-mom.html

It Was Mom

Every life.
Every heartbeat began with a mom
who willingly accepted a divine role;
a thankless job;
a sticky,
soul-stretching career.
For 9 months, 90 months, 90 years…
She taught us right from wrong,
left from right,
baking soda from baking powder.
She slept little and worried much.
She laughed,
and repeated.
And repeated…
Who taught us to love God,
to love others,
to love ourselves?
Who prayed with us?
Who prayed for us?
Who read to us and taught us what the words meant?
It was Mom.
Who was the champion,
the cheerleader,
the Chief Inspiring Officer?
Who was the queen of bedtime,
dinner time,
holy days,
early mornings,
late nights,
music lessons,
life lessons,
and everything we cling to with all our hearts?
It was – it is,
and forever will be –

FHE idea taken from our Newsletter:

FHE idea: ‘Encouraging more Love within the family’:

As a way of learning how to nourish & express the love we feel for the members of our families, we might ask ourselves the following questions:

1. Do I really Listen to each Family member? to be truly listened to is to feel loved. Do I listen to friends, neighbours & co-workers more readily than to the most important people in my life – the members of my family? Do the concerns of my family recieve as much of my attention as the concern of others? Do I make time to listen to the members of my family regularly?

2. Do I spend quality time with each family member? Developing Love, harmony and unity in a family takes time – quality time.

3. Do I help each family member feel needed? To feel useful and appreciated is a basic human need. We can help each family member fulfill this need by giving them opportunities to help us and then letting them know that we appreciate their help.

4. Do I have the ‘Pure Love of Christ’ described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8? “Charity suffereth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never Faileth.” Examine your relationship with each member of your family in light of this scripture. Commit yourself each morning in prayer to use these principles in dealing with at least one family member that day. Review your commitment with your Heavenly Father  each evening in prayer, then plan improvements the next morning.

As you apply these you will find yourself developing greater love for all members of your family. [Taken from the Relief Society Study Course 1987]